7 Days in Brief
- Lowest 21°C (Oct. 05)
- Precipitation 39.85mm
- Highest 33°C (Oct. 03)
- Humidity 70% Average
- Highest chance of rain 100% (Oct. 04)
- Sunshine hours 12 hours Average
Weather Forecast for Alibori For The Next 7 Days
Thu 03/10
22° / 33°
Light Rain
2.39 km/h
22° / 33°
- Day/Night: 31°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 22°/28°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 12:37 PM/00:37 AM
- Wind: 2.39 km/h
- Humidity: 61%
Fri 04/10
22° / 31°
Heavy Intensity Rain
2.79 km/h
22° / 31°
- Day/Night: 30°/22°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/26°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 12:37 PM/00:37 AM
- Wind: 2.79 km/h
- Humidity: 63%
Sat 05/10
21° / 24°
Moderate Rain
2.66 km/h
21° / 24°
- Day/Night: 22°/22°
- Morning/Afternoon: 21°/22°
- Pressure: 1013 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 12:37 PM/00:36 AM
- Wind: 2.66 km/h
- Humidity: 98%
Sun 06/10
21° / 26°
Overcast Clouds
1.65 km/h
21° / 26°
- Day/Night: 25°/24°
- Morning/Afternoon: 21°/24°
- Pressure: 1013 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 12:37 PM/00:36 AM
- Wind: 1.65 km/h
- Humidity: 84%
Mon 07/10
22° / 29°
Light Rain
3.73 km/h
22° / 29°
- Day/Night: 29°/24°
- Morning/Afternoon: 22°/26°
- Pressure: 1012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 12:37 PM/00:35 AM
- Wind: 3.73 km/h
- Humidity: 67%
Tue 08/10
23° / 33°
Light Rain
4.13 km/h
23° / 33°
- Day/Night: 32°/27°
- Morning/Afternoon: 23°/28°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 12:37 PM/00:34 AM
- Wind: 4.13 km/h
- Humidity: 57%
Wed 09/10
22° / 31°
Light Rain
3.81 km/h
22° / 31°
- Day/Night: 31°/24°
- Morning/Afternoon: 22°/26°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 12:37 PM/00:34 AM
- Wind: 3.81 km/h
- Humidity: 62%
7-Day Temperature and Rainfall Posibility
7-Day Rainfall Forecast for Alibori
Alibori's weather
- Pekinga
- Babou
- Adamou
- Akoko
- Alnafinda
- Amberi Goumbi
- Angaradebou
- Ankouatia Foumbeou
- Arafan
- Arbonga
- Arbordafia
- Aroubere
- Arouna
- Atabenou
- Ataki
- Atakiri
- Babedou
- Baderou
- Badou
- Bafilegou
- Bagoro
- Bagou
- Banikoara
- Borodarou
- Dougoulaye
- Founogo
- Gogonou
- Gogue Kpara
- Gokirou
- Gomarou
- Gombeti Kwara
- Gomparou
- Gona
- Gonmbekoga
- Gonoganemia
- Gonponbouya
- Goroguinde
- Gorou Amouka
- Gorou Kambou
- Gorouganiamia
- Gouadoumenou
- Goubararou
- Goubou
- Goubougo
- Gougono
- Gougouno
- Goumbekogou
- Goumori
- Gounarou
- Goungoun
- Gourou Wongoure
- Guene
- Guenelaga
- Ibokoto
- Idi
- Idokofo
- Idonanda
- Igouvino
- Ikekonkou
- Issaka Tounga
- Issene
- Jougoi
- Kabayedou
- Kabeka Koungo
- Kakorogou
- Kali
- Kargui
- Karimama
- Kassa
- Kassako
- Kassapoula
- Libante
- Lougou
- Madekali
- Mallanville
- Morou
- Ouara
- Ouarandji
- Segbana
- Sinmperekou
- Sinwa
- Sokotindji
- Suroko
- Tonboutou
- Touloua
- Zanloa
- Zougou
- Alfa Kwara
- Alfabe
- Bada
- Gondo Gassakou
- Goussin Sare
- Guida
- Guivan Bara
- Kandi
- Kompa
- Pede
- Sam
- Sori
Frequently asked questions
1.What are the expected high and low temperatures in Alibori over the next 7 days?
Over the next 7 days, Alibori is expected to experience highs averaging around 21°C to 33°C, with the warmest day likely to be around 33°C. The nighttime lows are expected to be between 22°C and 27°C
2.How much rain is forecasted in Alibori for the coming week?
The cumulative rainfall for Alibori over the next 7 days is forecasted to be in the range of 0mm to 23.84mm.
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Alibori s' weather
Overcast Clouds
It feels like 25°
- Sunrise/Sunset 12:37 PM / 00:37 AM
- Min/Max 24°/24°
- Humidity 87%
- Pressure 1010 hPa
- Visibility 10 km
- Wind 4.82 km/h
Air quality
Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk
- CO 323.77
- NH3 0.59
- NO 0.03
- NO2 0.3
- O3 14.84
- PM10 8.01
- PM25 2.83
- SO2 0.07
Sunrise / Sunset
12:37 PM
00:37 AM